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حل مشکل Jar mismatch! Fix your dependencies

Use a Library Project just for the Support Library

As of ADT 22, using Eclipse Juno

I don't think any of the above are really the best answers. I also don't think it is recommended to use the external jar function in Eclipse anymore (AFAIK).

Rather, what worked for me is to create a separate empty library project.

Then use Android tools > Add Support Library to get the latest version you need or want.

Then remove the support lib jar from all other projects.

Finally, for every project that requires it, add a reference to your new Library project

(project properties) > Android > (Library box) > Add...

Then all your projects will have a single source to use and update the support library. This also makes javadocs easier to get working.

For info on how to setup the javadocs see:

How to attach javadoc or sources to jars in libs folder?

Its because you might have added the android-support-v4.jar in your project and this library also resides into the facebook SDK also. That is why its throwing this error.

Make sure you take the reference of the library which you have added into your project not from the facebook sdk.

  • Right click on the Facebook library => Properties => Java Build Path => Order and Export tab => check android support v4 or Android Private Librariesand select Ok

  • Right click on your project and go to properties => java build path => check Android Private Libraries

  • Clean both projects, it should work.

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