نرم افزار u-center را دانلود و نصب می کنیمhttps://www.u-blox.com/en/product-search?keywords=u-center&utm_source=en/evaluation-tools-a-software/u-center/u-center.html
اتصال جی پی اس به کامپیوتر
برا ی اینکار از arudino uno استفاده می کنیم
چیپ روی برو آردوینو رو در میاوریم
rx روی ماژول جی پی اس را به rx برد آردوینو وصل می کنیم
tx روی ماژول جی پی اس را به tx برد آردوینو وصل می کنیم
بر آردینو رو با یو اس بی کامپیوتر متصل می کنیم
بعد از باز کردن u-center
دومین آیکن در نوار ابزار سرعت اتصال را بر روی 9600 قرار می دهیم
اولین آیکن در نوار ابزار پورت اتصال arduino را انتخاب می کنیم
برا روی آیکن اتصال می زنیم
از منوی view
گزینه text console را انتخاب می کنیم و صحت اتصال را بررسی می کنیم
بروز رسانی به آخرین نسخه firmware
درایور ها رو نصب می کنیم
آخرین نسخه فریم ور دانلود می کنیم
To start the update process go to Tools -> Firmware Update

A firmware update window will appear.

Under Firmware Image you should choose the firmware image you want to upload to the module. Under Flash Information Structure file you should find a file named flash.xml which resides in the u-center installation directory.
پهنای باند رو روی 9600 میزاریم
تیک Send Training sequence رو میزنیم
If your GPS module is connected using serial interface you should tick the Send Training sequence in order for the computer to detect the bootloader. Also if you don’t want to wait to long to upload the firmware you can tick the Use this Baudrate for update check box. Choose the baudrate to be 115200, which is around 10x faster than the default 9600 baudrate.
When you are ready click the OK button.

If you didn’t change the baudrate, the bootloader will work at 9600 baud which gives whole 960 bytes of data transfer per second. For a 500kB firmware update it will take roughly 10 minutes… If you did change the baudrate however the firmware update will be quite quick, taking only a minute or two.
After the update you should reconnect to the module and check the fimware version. If everything went ok, you should get the updated firmware version
view>message view >UBX>CFG> MON >VER چک می کنیم ورژن ارتقا یافته باشه
تنظیمات ماژول gps
The default settings should work well, so nothing needs to be changed. If you do change the configuration in u-center then you have to save it with >Receiver>Action>Save Config or it will be erased when you power off.
You can change the configuration settings individually with u-center. You can set the dynamic model to airborne in the NAV5 config message. You can limit the messages you get with the configuration settings in u-center if you want only messages that have time, lat, lon, alt. Roll, pitch and yaw won't come from a GNSS module alone, you need sensors for these. GPS/GLONASS mode is set by default, so nothing would need to be changed for this.